Saturday, July 3, 2010

Korn III – Remember Who You Are [2010]

Jonathan Davis - Vocals
James "Munky" Shaffer - Guitar
Reginald "Fieldy" Arvizu - Bass
Ray Luzier - Drums

Korn's 9th studio effort, Korn III - Remember Who You Are marks a return to form for the modern metal powerhouse. Enlisting famed producer Ross Robinson, the man who helmed the boards on their first two albums, guitarist James "Munky" Shaffer explains the dynamic, saying, "Teaming up with Ross has brought that raw, emotional feeling back to the music. Ross is the only person in the world that's ever been able to draw us to that place. He reminds us why we're here, why these songs are important to our fans and why what we do as a band relates. He made us remember how our music saves lives, and he came into the picture at the perfect time. We had no record label and just wanted to make a great album. Ross stepped in at the right moment to hit the reset button."

Album yg ke 9 tidak menghampakan gua.....sekali gua dgr jer.....gua dah terasa mcm dengar album pertama "Life Is Peachy". Album sebelum nie gua rasa mcm dia org nie syok sendiri jer. Dengan pemain drum yg baru nie gua rasa cam best pulak bunyi yer...sebab sebelum nie lagu2 Korn tak der dengar double pedal. Album RWYA dengan label baru RoadRunner dan bergabung semula dengan Ross Robinson ternyata tidak menghampa. Album nie mengabungkan 2 element iaitu lama dan baru dgn producer Ross Robinson album nie bole dikategorikan Best Album 2010. Ramai mengatakan Korn stail macam NIN..bagi gua Genre Korn adalah Korn. Melainkan Davis mati baru bole jadik Korn mati....sebab suara Davis adalah suara kekuatan Korn. Gua tak bole bayangkan kalau Brian Head ader masa album nie mesti gempak giler...keluar Korn sebab nak membersihkan jiwa..lantak ko lah. Buat album pun sama stail cam Korn cuma lirik jer lebih ketuhanan (kononlah). Per barang gua citer pasal Brian...sebenarnya gua frust Brian blah dari Korn tu pasal emo skit.

Keseluruhan Gua Bagi : 4/5

p/s: Album yg layak di dgr dlm kereta pasti nak banging punyalah..lantaklah org kereta sebelah kalau dia org dgr pun, dia org mesti banging sekali punya.
Barakat =Metal K-Rexz=

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